Black Women for Wellness Action Project

Los Angeles, CA

Grant Amount

$ 50,000

BWWAP is the first Black-women-led reproductive justice 501(c)(4) organization in the country. In its now five-year history, BWWAP has established an important place in the CA political landscape: hosting candidate forums with partner organizations, endorsing candidates, and leading on some of the most important RJ legislation in the state.

In the two years leading up to 2022, anticipating the fall of Roe, BWWAP ensured that the state of California would deliver on its promise to be a Reproductive Freedom state to meet the rising demand for abortion seekers from across the country. This resulted in the creation of the California Future of Abortion Council (CA FAB), of which BWWAP is a steering committee member.

They helped to advance a historic 15-bill package to secure reproductive freedom in California and ensured $200 million in new state funding to expand reproductive health care.

During the 2022 midterm election, BWWAP deployed a successful campaign to advance the passage of Prop 1, which enshrined abortion and contraceptive access in the California constitution. Out of their nine candidate endorsements, eight now hold elected office at the city, country, state, and federal levels.