Vanguard Legacy Awardee: Sayu Bhojwani

Founder of Women's Democracy Lab and New American Leaders, Board Chair of the North Star Fund, & Soros Equality Fellow

Years in role: 1 year

Where: National

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am proudest of being able to identify needs for representation and systemic change, creating organizations to address those needs, and successfully exiting these organizations in ways that allowed them to continue to grow and flourish.

What myths would you like to break in your organization’s work?
Myths in our movement include believing that leaders can’t pause long enough to address our physical, emotional and mental health needs; that joy and laughter can’t be part of movement work; that resources are scarce; that more resources mean we should do more work instead of do the same work with greater ease and capacity; that we are irreplaceable and can’t leave the work, temporarily or permanently.

What does it take to build power?
Love. A sense of agency and belonging. A commitment to a vision that transcends the work of one org or leader.

What is your why?
My purpose is to ensure that we are all able to pursue our boldest dreams and deepest joys.

Learn more!

Learn more about Women’s Democracy Lab and their critical work!


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